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    HomeGenevaThe city of Geneva feminizes 9 additional street names | City of...

    The city of Geneva feminizes 9 additional street names | City of Geneva

    Women are largely underrepresented in street names in Geneva, when they have largely contributed to the history of the canton and its municipalities. Until 2020, among the streets bearing names of people, only 7% referred to women. This observation, shared all over the world, is not compatible with current demands in terms of equality.

    For women and their stories to be visible and (re) known today, they must be in good place in our collective stories as well as in their symbolic manifestations.

    In September 2021, in continuity with a process started in 2020, which had already led to the feminization of 10 location names on the Geneva territory, the municipality thus deposited a Second file with the Cantonal Nomenclature Commission (CCN)to feminize 14 additional places of places.

    This approach, which is part of the municipal action plan “Zero sexism objective in my city», Follows the 100elles* project ( and at the M-2536 motion, accepted by the Grand Council in 2019 and requesting the change of name of 100 Geneva streets within three years.

    An additional step towards a more balanced representation

    During its session of March 9, 2022, the Council of State validated the Change of 9 street denomination and places on the territory of the city of Geneva:

    A 10th proposal, which concerns the principle of renamed the Galiffe path on the Annie-Jiagge path, is still unanswered and will be the subject of a decision of the Council of State in the course of spring.

    The city welcomes the decision of the Council of State and is delighted with this second stage towards a more balanced representation of women and men in the Geneva streets. According to Alfonso Gomez, administrative advisor in charge of matters of equality and diversity, “this is a strong political decision, which makes it possible to continue the work undertaken to change representations and gradually build more egalitarian public spaces” .

    Continue the dynamic committed

    The persons and companies affected by changes in name will be informed by mail of the continuation of the process. The necessary information will be transmitted to them this spring for facilitate this transitionwhich will be effective by the summer.

    The approaches to be taken will be limited since most of the changes will be made automatically and grouped (OCPM, GIS, La Poste, etc.). A “formerly” plaque will be affixed with the old name of the street under the new name, which will keep track of the change made and to facilitate the transition.

    In addition, the city intends to continue its efforts to feminize street names. It will present to the CCN a new file in a few months, which will include a new proposal for a street or a Grisélidis-Real square, the suggestion made by the city to rename the bottom of the rue de Zurich having been refused.

    More information on this file and the actions of the city of Geneva on gender issues in public space: and on street name changes:

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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