Born in 1942, Anne-Cécile Reimann started her militant commitment in 1977when she finds herself, thinking of going to an outdoor concert, at the heart of an environmental demonstration bringing together nearly 60,000 people against the construction of the superphenix nuclear reactor on the site of the Future French Creys-Malville . Faced with violent exchanges with the police who will cause a death and several injured, she discovers the seriousness of the challenges of the use of nuclear energy.
She then begins to go to demonstrations, changing and strengthening her commitment. In 1985, she participated in the Creation of the Geneva Antinuclear Association Contractom. From then on, she will go down to the street to defend the many causes that are close to her heart. Women’s rights, social justice, gentle mobility, dismantling of public services, climate; Anne-Cécile Reimann believes that each human being has the duty, during his existence, to act and to fight to shape history.
For decades, Anne-Cécile Reimann’s commitment was particularly identifiable thanks to her now famous colorful signsadorned with large characters to black felt transmitting often funny messages, sometimes philosophical, but always impactful. Without looking for light for itself and never to join a political party, the one that has remained throughout her professional career a passionate teacher in the primary school of Avully participated in giving visibility to many causes and has become a emblematic face Contesting processions.
“Through the medal awarded Ms. Reimann, the administrative council wishes to pay tribute to this convinced activist but also, more broadly, to Citizen engagementessential tool to maintain a living democracy, underlines the mayor of Geneva, Alfonso Gomez. Its activism reminds us of the importance of popular manifestations as an instrument of resistance and arrest of the public authorities. We thus pay tribute to those who, without being usually in the spotlight, contribute to social cohesion by their values of courage, altruism and solidarity. ”
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