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    HomeGenevaThe MEG collections at the heart of the colonial past | ...

    The MEG collections at the heart of the colonial past | City of Geneva

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    Cultural and social responsibility

    This exhibition invites us to reflect on themuseum commitment towards the communities of origin and in the fight against discrimination. How did Geneva survive the colonial era? How is the Museum of Ethnography a major cultural player in the colonial context? What are the futures of the collections kept there?

    THE “Capsules” are five independent and immersive universes offered. Each of them was designed in co-creation with invited partners who share their commitment to indigenous heritage and heritage.

    Do not miss

    The living room is the heart of the exhibition: discussions, performances, readings and in-depth studies take place there throughout the duration of the exhibition. The artist Blick Bassy presents “The Décolonial Helmet”, a journey from the roots towards rebirth that he designed in eleven gourd helmets which each bears a message-poem.

    There MEG library puts at your disposal a selection of resources for young and old, in connection with the themes of the exhibition including a series of podcasts to listen to on site or elsewhere.

    A interactive map deploy the colonial traces of the urban landscape of Genevathrough monuments and streets, plaques and buildings.

    Enter “Passages“, A evolving space dedicated to the recent history of the movement for black lives in French-speaking Switzerland. Over the months, words will be added to the sounds and walls to imagine the reparation of colonial violence, decolonization and liberation.

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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