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    HomeGenevaThe tax cuts proposed by the Canton undermine the 2025 draft budget...

    The tax cuts proposed by the Canton undermine the 2025 draft budget | City of Geneva

    The development of the 2025 draft budget, which presents net charges of 1.393 billion, was carried out in a context of uncertainties linked to taxation. The Grand Council indeed agreed in May to reduce taxation on individuals, while the population will vote on this subject this fall. These tax cuts would imply a reduction of 54.5 million in tax revenue for the City of Geneva.

    The Administrative Council (CA) took these elements into account, which led it to project a deficit of 63.4 million. The CA thus maintains its priorities in order to face the concrete consequences of climate change, the growing social difficulties of a part of the population and the needs of younger generations.

    Without these tax cuts, the projected deficit would be 9 million and would respect the path back to balance set following the entry into force of RFFA. “The Canton promises us that the tax reductions will be quickly absorbed, but the situation remains uncertain. What is clear, however, is that social and environmental needs are very real. Public authorities cannot reduce their services and investments on the basis of random assumptions. We must therefore today assume a significant deficit,” indicates Alfonso Gomez, Administrative Advisor in charge of finances.

    Increasing constrained loads

    In view of the above, and according to estimates provided by the Canton, income linked to individuals falls by 41.7 million. A drop of 16.7 million is estimated for income linked to legal entities, probably marking the end of exceptional profits for certain companies, according to their own projections.

    Personnel costs increase by 20.5 million, mainly linked to salary mechanisms, i.e. the automatic increase in salaries and indexation to the cost of living (+11.3 million). Early childhood salary mechanisms (non-municipalized nurseries) increase by 3.7 million. The City also sees its participation in the financial compensation paid to border municipalities increase by 2.2 million.

    Facing the climate emergency and social needs

    The envelope allocated to investments remains fixed at 180 million, including 50 million planned to renovate housing buildings. In order to strengthen the measures planned to combat climate change, additional positions are proposed, particularly in the fields of energy and planning.

    Additional resources are included for the maintenance of trees and green spaces created during the legislature and to continue the efforts made in terms of revegetation, tree planting and the creation of islands of freshness thanks to the removal of bitumen. In the field of early childhood, 2.6 million are budgeted for the creation of 129 places from the start of the 2025 school year, while the extracurricular contribution (GIAP) is revised upwards (+840,000 CHF). To meet its social commitments, the CA is increasing the system aimed at supporting adolescents and young adults and improving social cohesion (+2.4 positions of social workers outside the walls and +1.5 positions night correspondents).

    Large-scale events, reinforced PC and better remuneration for artists

    With more and more events being organized in public spaces, the logistics and events service is being strengthened. The City also intends to develop its policy of hosting large-scale events.

    Budgets have been integrated for the Women’s Euro 2025 (+315,000 CHF) and the national exhibition project NEXPO 2032 (+104,440 CHF). Positions are planned to consolidate civil protection. In addition, the CA’s commitment to better remuneration for artists will have an impact on the draft budget to the tune of 600,000 CHF.

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