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    HomeNewsBruxelles Média: Firm response to the defamatory allegations made by Blast

    Bruxelles Média: Firm response to the defamatory allegations made by Blast

    It is regrettable that Blast, under the guise of an alleged journalistic investigation by journalist Philippe Engel, has chosen to spread false and defamatory allegations against me and my organization, Bruxelles Média. I wish to set the record straight and expose the true motives behind these attacks.

    1. Almouwatin asbl no longer exists: an obvious manipulation

    Firstly, it’s essential to point out that Almouwatin was closed for good in 2019, and that Bruxelles Média was founded under a completely new framework. The fact that Blast chooses to mix the two entities demonstrates a blatant lack of professionalism and a deliberate desire to sow confusion. Our offices are located at the Cité des Associations in Brussels, we are in full compliance with our legal obligations, and recognized by the Belgian CSA (Supreme Council of Audiovisual).

    2. A transparent and constructive collaboration

    Our relationship with Eddy Van Ryne is that of a friendly, professional collaboration. Blast tries to portray our work as suspect, whereas we work together to promote initiatives for inter-religious dialogue and peace. My skills are recognized and my commitment to constructive projects cannot be called into question by malicious insinuations.

    3. Proven independence

    Bruxelles Média operates without public subsidies and has never sought any. We concentrate on organizing constructive events and debates. Blast’s insinuations are not only unfounded, they are part of a strategy of intimidation typical of media losing credibility.

    4. Malicious confusion with Le

    The allegations of a link with Le are based on a technical misunderstanding. Our webmaster has clarified that this was a simple error, and not a connivance with a Moroccan media outlet. Blast’s continued insistence on this point demonstrates its inability to conduct a rigorous and honest investigation.

    5. Interfaith dialogue: an easy target

    My collaboration with religious institutions and actors, be it the Church of Scientology, but also with Sikhs, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants and even humanists, is part of a framework of inter-religious dialogue, and not part of any promotion of sectarianism. This willingness to reduce my efforts to accusations of complicity is a reflection of Blast’s ignorance and contempt for the work of those who genuinely seek to promote dialogue and peace.

    6. Blast: a corrupt media on the verge of decline

    It’s ironic that Blast, which claims to uphold ethical values, is itself at the heart of controversies concerning its independence and dubious practices. Suspected links with investors from the United Arab Emirates raise questions about their objectivity. Indeed, the newspaper “Libération” recently accused Blast of being financed by investors from the United Arab Emirates, raising questions about the transparency of their operations. It is also worth noting that Blast is facing more than 40 complaints for misleading and defamatory investigations, testifying to its inability to produce quality journalism.

    Blast is also the newspaper which, on October 7 2024, as the world commemorates the innocent Jewish victims killed by Hamas in Israel, publishes an interview with Michèle Siboni in which she declares that “the Jews who died on October 7, and all those who followed, are the victims of a colonial regime”, and that the Hamas assassins are waging nothing other than a “war of liberation of an oppressed people”. To justify itself, Blast can think of nothing better than to invoke a concern for “rationality and freedom”. Certainly, my work for peace, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, Jews and Muslims, will not find favor in the eyes of a media suffering from such unabashed anti-Semitism.

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    Bruxelles Média: Firm response to the defamatory allegations made by Blast 2

    Certainly, by publishing their article today, on the eve of the municipal elections, they are hoping to influence the vote, perhaps financed by backers who would prefer not to see actors for peace and dialogue elected. Another ironic position of Blast which states that politics and journalism sometimes don’t mix.

    In conclusion, I strongly condemn Blast’s attacks, which have no other aim than to sully my reputation and that of Bruxelles Média. We will continue to work for peace and dialogue, despite the attempts to denigrate by a media that is losing ground.

    Lahcen Hammouch


    • Lahcen Hammouch

      Lahcen Hammouch is a Journalist. Director of Almouwatin TV and Radio. Sociologist by the ULB. President of the African Civil Society Forum for Democracy.


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