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    A joint awareness campaign to put an end to gender-based and sexual violence | City of Geneva

    1 in 3 women who will experience physical and/or sexual violence during their lifetime in the world, 15 feminicides recorded in Switzerland in 2022 and 134 hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ people, around 70% of women between 15 and 34 years old having experienced sexual harassment in public spaces in Geneva over the last 5 years…

    These statistics show that even today, gender-based and sexual violence is a reality in Geneva, in Switzerland and elsewhere. These are part of a continuum ranging from inappropriate remarks about femicide and find their origin in the stereotypes and gender inequalities. Whatever form it takes, this violence is not trivial and should never be trivialized. They indeed have very concrete consequences on the physical and sexual integrity, mental health, autonomy and lives of the people who are the target, as well as those around them. They also have a cost for society as a whole.

    Faced with these findings which have changed little over the years, a network is committed all year round For:

    • to raise awareness the general public,
    • form the different professional bodies,
    • to accompany victims of gender-based and sexual violence.

    International Day of November 25

    Every year, the International Day for the Elimination of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence on November 25 marks a high point in mobilizations for the promotion of equality and defense of the rights of women and gender minorities, both locally and internationally. While at regular intervals, some of these rights, which we thought acquired, are called into question, the commitment to equality and against sexist and sexual violence must remain a priority.

    The Geneva countryside, from November 6 to 26, 2023

    Display and events

    In Geneva, the Canton, the City, feminist associations and various institutional partners are jointly organizing the campaign “To put an end to sexist and sexual violence”. This will include

    • of the’display in public space, in the City of Geneva and in several other municipalities in the canton,
    • as well as a event programming including exhibitions, performance, met, conferences, workshops And symbolic actions.

    Proposals for varied audiences

    The proposals of this program will be aimed at varied target audiences: THE people suffering or having suffered violenceTHE authorsTHE witnessesas well as anyone from the general public wishing to become familiar with the topic or even think about models of positive masculinity.

    A dedicated website

    At the same time, a website, is launched to host the campaign and programming but also numerous resources on the theme, including:

    • THE information needed to get help,
    • THE online tools,
    • THE prevention programs
    • A lexicon and an bibliography to better inform yourself and understand the issues and terms used.

    A collective mobilization

    This reinforced collaboration between those involved in violence prevention in Geneva is intended to continue in the years to come. “Faced with the scale and persistence of this violence, it is essential to mobilize on a collective scale, in all areas and in a coordinated manner, to promote a more egalitarian and violence-free society,” notes Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of Geneva. Nathalie Fontanet, State Councilor, recalls that “the fight against sexist and sexual violence is one of the priorities of the Council of State. It is essential to reach as wide an audience as possible so that it becomes everyone’s concern. all”.

    Website and full campaign program:

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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