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    HomeGenevaInternational Geneva adopts its Decarbonization Charter | City of Geneva

    International Geneva adopts its Decarbonization Charter | City of Geneva

    Gathered at the Palais Anna and Jean-Gabriel Eynard and in the presence of representatives of the City of Geneva, the State of Geneva, the Swiss Confederation, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Industrial Services of Geneva ( SIG), the leaders of the signatory institutions of the Charter have made a commitment to implement a action plan to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (GES) and join the efforts undertaken by the climate strategies of the City and State of Geneva.

    Unite a growing number of partners aroundconcrete decarbonization actions is the mission of 2050Todaythe Geneva Climate Action Forum, within which the institutions of international Geneva meet andstrive to reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    This Forum, which to date brings together 68 institutions of international Geneva, thus brings together permanent missions, international organizations and civil society entities in a zero-emissions perspective. After being formally established in 2022 by an agreement bringing together the City of Geneva, the Republic and canton of Geneva, the Swiss Confederation, the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the Services Industriels de Genève (SIG), 2050Today takes a new step with the adoption of the Decarbonization Charter.

    By signing the 2050Today Charter on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at the Palais Anna and Jean-Gabriel Eynard, headquarters of Geneva town hall, the 39 institutions expressed their determination to decarbonize their activities according to a defined and common framework. With the objective of a carbon-free international Geneva by 2050 to be implemented today, the Charter stipulates five principles for its signatories:

    1. There regular measurement of the carbon footprint;
    2. L’precise assessment of the initial situation for the selected intervention sectors;
    3. There definition and implementation of an action plan to achieve the chosen objectives;
    4. THE sharing the decarbonization process with the 2050Today community;
    5. There communication on climate action undertaken.

    “Coordinated and promoted by 2050Today, this Charter is the result of joint work by 2050Today members over a year. By subscribing to a common framework to reduce GHG emissions, International Geneva, the global center of governance, is showing its determination to act for the climate,” indicates Jean-Pierre Reymond, Executive Director of 2050Today. The competent public services and the best experts in each area covered by the Charter were involved in its development.

    The Charter is open to signature by any institution of international Geneva wishing to act to preserve the climate. “At a time when COP 28 is being held and the entire planet is increasingly experiencing the consequences of climate change, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is seeking international support for the two new global initiatives. : early warning for all and global monitoring of the greenhouse effect. The 2050Today Charter proposes to unite in this common effort to demonstrate determination and solidarity. This is the very meaning and spirit of an international Geneva that brings solutions,” declared Dr Wenjian Zhang, Deputy Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization.

    Define a clear framework for a successful ecological transition

    For address the main environmental and climate challenges facing humanitythere Charter recommends transforming the activities of each institution into a sustainable mode for the sectors of energy and buildings, mobility, food, biodiversity, responsible digital and waste management. Through this transformation, it is a question of taking into account the need to act while respecting planetary limits. Establishing a framework for reinforced climate action, the 2050Today Charter is designed as a practical guide to decarbonization.

    She prescribes specific intervention objectives for each sector and lists more than 300 concrete actionswhich each institution can undertake with deadlines of 2025, 2028 and 2030. This involves, for example, deploy renewable energy systems by connecting to new thermal networks or by increasing photovoltaic capacities. For food it is recommended to source sustainably by increasing the share of organic and seasonal products and diversify proteins by favoring more plant-based products.

    To promote biodiversity, this involves reinforce the naturalness of habitats in green spaces of International Geneva by promoting flora and fauna less subject to human intervention. It is also advisable toassess and reduce the main consumption channels having a negative impact on biodiversity. To achieve responsible digital technology, it is recommended to rationalize IT equipment by increasing their lifespan and favoring devices with reduced emissions. By subscribing to the Charter, institutions will benefit from coordinated support offering them resources in terms of advice and monitoring.

    Commit to contributing to the region’s climate strategies

    By uniting the efforts undertaken by the signatory institutions, the Charter establishes a framework of reference and encouragement for strengthened climate action from International Geneva. Participating institutions commit to doing everything possible – in line with the climate goals they have set – in order to help reduce GHG emissions in Geneva by 60% by 2030respectively from 50 to 60% for members located in the Vaud region, and to achieve net emissions equivalent to zero by 2050 (carbon neutrality).

    “It is only by joining forces, sharing our practices and experiences and moving forward collectively, in a spirit of solidarity, cooperation and exemplarity, that we will achieve real and lasting changes in favor of the climate » says Mr. Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of Geneva. A message from International Geneva The adoption of the Charter comes as a follow-up to the first Climate Week organized by the City of Geneva and at the same time as COP 28 is being held in Dubai. “The climate emergency implies for us that today is experienced as 2050 and that our decisions in Geneva are considered in this perspective” notes Ambassador Omar Zniber, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco.

    “Engaging with our partners at International Geneva for the climate means committing to a positive transformation of our world. Today’s challenges are all interconnected – climate and environmental action, peace work, the fight against inequality, the fight for democracy and responsible technology must be considered in an integrated way . 2050Today is an effective collective compass, a tremendous opportunity for collective reflection and progress, which allows us to direct our actions and effectively mobilize our community and our partners” specifies for her part Marie-Laure Salles, Director of the Institute of Higher Education international and development studies.

    The adoption of the Charter is part of the second high-level meeting of 2050Today which was held on Tuesday December 5, 2023 with the participation of ambassadors, directors and general secretaries, members of the Forum climate action. Alfonso Gomez, Mayor of the City of Geneva, Michel Balestra, President of the Board of Directors of SIG, as well as the State of Geneva signed the Charter as witnesses of the constituent parts of 2050Today.

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