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    HomeGenevaClosure of the Museum of Natural History in 2024 | City...

    Closure of the Museum of Natural History in 2024 | City of Geneva

    The Museum is being given a facelift

    The work on the Museum (MHNG), launched in February 2023, is progressing well and will now require the Museum to close its doors to the public for at least one year to facilitate work in the exhibition building.

    While it is closed, the museum will continue its outreach programming while its teams actively prepare for the reopening.

    The program continues!

    In 2024, the specimens of the MHNG will head off to meet objects from the collections of other museumsa chance to enjoy “unusual dialogues” in different cultural sites around Geneva.

    The cultural and scientific programming will continue better than ever at the Museum of Science History, another Geneva Museum site. And the Science Night will once again be hosted in the stunning Parc de la Perle du lac, during the weekend of 6-7 July.

    Tea “Bike! Balance in motion” exhibition, designed in collaboration with the Museum of Art and History (MAH)will be hosted at the Rath Museum from 6 June to 22 September 2024. It is the chance to discover a large gallery of evolution of the bicycle, from its invention to the present day! And finally Janus, the MHNG’s two-headed tortoiseis waiting to see his admirers in his new temporary quarters at the Biopark Geneva!

    The teams will be busy behind the scenes

    Throughout 2024, the management, exhibition and mediation teams will be focusing their work on updating the permanent public galleries. This study project concerns the fauna from Switzerland and the rest of the world galleries (levels 0, 1, 2). A new permanent exhibition devoted to history of life and the Earth (level 3) is also currently being developed. Renovated public reception areas will include a new documentariumyear enhanced café and a large shop.

    The Museum’s scientists will continue their outstanding internationally renowned research. This year of work is particularly favorable to field missions, the aim of which is to collect and describe new specimens. Tea digitization of the collections is also ongoing. It is also an ideal moment for the taxidermists to restore certain objects in the collections. The entire team at the Museum is also preparing to move certain collections to the new Ambre building.

    Don’t miss a single stage in the evolution of the Museum

    Follow the latest scientific and cultural news as well as the evolution of the MHNG on its social media pages!

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