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    HomeGenevaCulture, creator of values ​​in Geneva | City of Geneva

    Culture, creator of values ​​in Geneva | City of Geneva

    The objective of this event is, on the one hand, to raise awareness among local actors of the contribution of culture and creativity as factors of growth and generators of employment, but also as drivers of social innovation and contributors to quality of life. On the other hand, to establish a dialogue on areas for improvement by outlining, together, concrete avenues of action to develop dormant potential.

    The day will be structured around an afternoon ofparticipatory workshops, then an evening debate. It will involve external witnesses in order to take advantage of best practices observed at the national and international level and illustrate the direct and indirect positive effects of a dynamic cultural policy.

    The City of Montreal, pioneering and exemplary in terms of dialogue and collaboration between cultural and economic circleswill be represented by the Honorable Liza Frulla, president of Culture Montréal, general director of the Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec, former Minister of Culture and Communications in the National Assembly and Minister of Heritage in Ottawa. With experience in marketing, media and politics, Liza Frulla is involved in all the debates that drive society. She will be accompanied by Michel Leblanc, President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal. Researcher at the Joint Research Center, an independent research center of the European Commission, Valentina Montalto will present a report assessing the performance of 168 creative and cultural cities in Europe – including Geneva – based on both quantitative and qualitative indicators.

    On the Swiss side, the event benefits from the presence of the ambassador Nicolas Bideauhead of Présence Suisse, Sylvain Gardelhead of the Culture and Economy strong point at Pro Helvetia, and Gilles Jobinchoreographer and artistic director of the Cie Gilles Jobin.

    How can culture contribute even more effectively to diversity, emulation and innovation, three fundamental societal values? “It is also important that culture is now considered as a factor in the attractiveness of Geneva, because the competitiveness of our canton requires multifactorial influence,” Juan Carlos Torres, president of the CCIG. As part of the thematic workshops, participants are invited to make proposals which will be presented to the magistrate in charge of culture at the end of the day.

    What weight does culture have in the Geneva economy?

    “It is undeniable that the economic development of the canton and its region benefits from the creation of value from cultural activities and institutions in Geneva, an open and multicultural city” explains Blaise GoetschinChairman of the General Management of the Banque cantonale de Genève.

    Avenues of action to fuel reflection that Sami Kanaan, mayor of Geneva, wishes to be “oriented on practice and the future, with the ambition of bringing together the forces of Geneva in a fruitful partnership of cultural and economic circles”. Avenues of action which will be added to the examples of good practices recounted by the experts participating in the evening’s debate, on the theme “Culture, economy and society: a virtuous circle“.


    Thursday November 15, 2018, Museum of Art and History

    • 2 p.m. – “Culture, creator of values ​​in Geneva”, welcome address by Mr. Sami Kanaan, Mayor of Geneva, in charge of the Department of Culture and Sport
    • 2:15 p.m. – “Geneva in the European panorama of creative and cultural cities”, introduction by the European Commission, Ms. Valentina Montalto, co-author of the “Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor” report.
    • 3 p.m. – Thematic workshops upon registration on the website

    Workshop No. 1 – Diversity : the essential ingredient of the Geneva mosaic. Moderator Virginie Keller, head of the Cultural Department of the City of Geneva.

    Workshop n°2 – Emulation : spaces wanted! Let’s work in a network to anchor collaboration between economy and culture. Moderator Simon Gaberell, coordinator of the hesge urban development platform.

    Workshop n°3 – Innovation : Geneva, culture laboratory. Moderator Armelle Pasco, co-founder of CreativeTech.

    • 4:30 p.m. – break
    • 5:15 p.m. – Courses of action: presentation of the results of the workshops 6:00 p.m. – Debate “Culture, Economy, society: a virtuous circle” (free entry)
    • At the end of the debate (8 p.m.), participants are invited to continue the evening at the MAH Afterwork

    The cultural and creative economy on the agenda of the Department of Culture and Sport

    Designed as the first step in a journey scalable and participatory, the first Cultural and Creative Economy Days organized in Geneva in 2014 aimed to adopt a common definition of the creative and cultural economy. The aim was, initially, to establish the need to place the reflection within the framework of cultural rights, to outline a definition of the scope taken into account and to make a general diagnosis relating to the strengths and weaknesses of the Geneva cultural landscape.

    Other meetings, debates and events on the subject followed, which fueled the Department’s reflections and actions to increase theeconomic and societal impact of the culture. The development of the European Crafts Days, as well as the measures taken in favor of Geneva’s cultural specificity or the study carried out on empty premises, constitute all levers implemented to support the pool of creative know-how and contribute, in doing so, to the economic vitality of the region.

    In 2017, a study on the weight of the creative and cultural economy was entrusted to the Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève, in order to provide a quantitative overview of the situation.

    This stage aims to deepen this analysis and complete it with a more qualitative and prospective approach, within the framework of an exchange of experiences and views from which results will emerge. proposed courses of action.

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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