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    HomeGenevaGeneva hosts UEFA Women's EURO 2025 | City of Geneva

    Geneva hosts UEFA Women’s EURO 2025 | City of Geneva

    Geneva is preparing to experience a double offensive! During a press conference at the Stade de Genève, the magistrates launched two major initiatives for women and sportsupported by public authorities: the UEFA Women’s EURO 2025 in Geneva, which will take place next July, and the #ChangeonsLaDonne campaign, which aims to reach 40% women in sports committees by 2026.

    An exceptional tournament, a modernized stadium, a bustling city

    With nearly 100,000 spectators expected, Geneva is positioning itself as a pillar of this UEFA Women’s EURO 2025. As part of this event, the Stade de Genève Foundation has launched a vast renovation program, financed by the canton. A budget of 4.1 million francs will be invested to modernize infrastructurenot only to meet the high standards of the competition but also to create a welcoming environment for the public.

    The City of Geneva will, for its part, release 2.1 million for the event (including the subsidy to the Weuro Geneva 2025 Association). This amount will help finance the event and organize the Sports village on the Gustave Ador quay. The City will organize sports demonstrations, initiations and meetings with athletes to promote women’s sport and encourage vocations among younger generations by giving visibility to champions.

    Installed on the General-Guisan quay near the Sports Village, a Fan zone will also welcome the population which will benefit from free access, from July 2 to 27, 2025, from a live broadcast of matches or activities, as well as a catering area. The place will be a showcase for women’s sport and its representatives.

    WEURO, engine of change

    With five matches, including a semi-final and a national team match, UEFA Women’s EURO 2025 in Geneva will not just be a sporting event. It’s a engine of sustainable change for women and for sport.

    Currently, women are largely under-represented in sports governance. The AGS estimates that club committees are only made up of 25 to 30% women on average. Through the countryside #Let’sChangeTheGame of the Geneva Sports Association (AGS), Geneva is redefining the role of women in sport, by opening up more space for them in governance bodies in order to reach the threshold of 40% by 2026.

    To support this ambition, it will set up a local coachingdesigned to support and accelerate this transition towards a more feminine future. The campaign is part of a long-term vision for fairer representation of women in sport.

    Concrete actions for youth, women and the Geneva population

    The partnership between the WEURO Geneva 2025 Association, which coordinates the event, and the AGS embodies a common vision: to make this major tournament a catalyst for lasting impact which goes beyond the field, to redefine the standards of women’s sport, both on a sporting and societal level.

    However, young people will not be left out. In collaboration with the department of public education, training and youth, the “1School-1Championne” program will associate eleven players from Servette FC Chênois Féminin with eleven primary schools. Students will have the opportunity to interact with a professional footballer, follow her sporting season and discover the club. It will also be an opportunity to raise students’ awareness of the life involved in high-level women’s sport, particularly for a female footballer in Switzerland, and to discover UEFA Women’s EURO 2025.

    Other educational and sporting initiatives, both within and outside of school, will be implemented throughout the year with the aim of inspiring Geneva’s youth and promoting diversity in sport and physical activity. .

    In this dynamic of heritage, the ACG embarks with the WEURO Geneva 2025 association in its traveling bus and its Pavilion #GenevaAtHeartOfTheGameready to travel through the Geneva communes. Their mission: to promote UEFA Women’s EURO 2025 by bringing the Geneva population closer to this event and by boosting women’s sport locally.

    The world of culture is associated with the event, through a call for projects from the canton intended to support the deployment of cultural and artistic proposals in places not dedicated to culture and accessible to everyone, which will echo the theme of women’s football or, more generally, women’s sport.

    Contacts and information

    Cindy Reymond, Secretary General
    @e-mail+41 76 615 19 14

    Jérôme Berthoud, Head of the Violence Prevention Office
    @e-mail+41 76 524 58 61

    Thierry Apothéloz, State Councilor
    By contacting Mr. Guillaume Renevey, spokesperson, Department of Social Cohesion, 022 546 67 68

    Marie Barbey-Chpuis, Administrative Advisor of the City of Geneva
    Through Cédric Waelti, management advisor, + 41 79 596 19 79

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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