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    HomeGeneva"Soon at school!" - 2025 edition | City of Geneva

    “Soon at school!” – 2025 edition | City of Geneva

    “Soon at school!”, A system initiated and funded since 2018 by the Bureau of integration and citizenship (BIC)allows families, who do not attend preschool education structures to be accompanied During the period preceding the first school year of their child in 1p. Set up by the Early childhood servicejointly with the Schools and Institutions for Childhoodthe project “Soon at school!” Available in the town of Geneva since 2021. It is also deployed in the suburban municipalities.

    Facilitate the first school year

    “Soon at school!” Bases on the postulate that a support for families upstream of the first day of the child at school will bring a positive added value in the daily school experience of families. The project mainly concerns the little familiar families of the Geneva school culture, in particular migrants, allophone or in a situation of vulnerability or social isolation, for which an explanation of the functioning of the school seems necessary. It is aimed at parents whose child will enter 1P at the next school year.

    Support parents

    The objective is in particular to support parents before entering school:

    • by presenting the functioning of the school and the parascultural;
    • By sharing benchmarks, tools or resources on questions related to the development of their child;
    • by allowing families to have an informal exchange with school actors and actresses;
    • By creating link with neighborhood socio-cultural associations in order to promote social cohesion.

    Three modules to approach the first school year serenely

    Families will be able to participate in Three free modules During which stakeholders (director and school director, school and school nurse, school educator and educator, community worker) will tackle a specific theme.

    Themes addressed

    The themes addressed during the various meetings are as follows:

    • Wednesday March 19 (9 a.m.-11 p.m.): the functioning of the school and parascultural.
    • Wednesday March 26 (9 a.m.-11 am): the child development: health, language, food, sleep, screens, etc.
    • Wednesday April 2 (9 a.m.-11 p.m.): the Activities outside the school: for children and families.

    The modules will take place simultaneously In 5 primary schools from the city of Geneva: School of Grottes, Hugo-de-Senger School, Cité-Jonction School, Pâquis-Center School, School of Charmilles. While parents will participate in modules, children will be taken care of by childhood professionals and professionals.

    We acknowledge Source link for the information.



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